How it all started

We are a product of humanity's greatest worth, hope. We also believe that, as earth's most intelligent species, we should act to protect all life on earth. Sadly earth's devastation is also one of our own creations. And it's vital we correct our mistakes. It all began, when our founders selected one idea of a team member to plant 500 trees in the last quarter of 2015.


Where we are going

While expanding our community of members as well as the number of trees planted, we now understand that it is more about conservation of what is left than tree planting anew. Our vision now encompasses broader actions, going so far as to automate the Ministry of Environment and seek legal reforms to help combat illegal activities. We also have refined a sustainable land use policy for Sri Lanka, and earth.



Donations keep us planting trees and conserving nature.

Reforest Sri Lanka needs a lift.

Account No: 007001012600, Reforest Sri Lanka, DFCC Bank, Head Office, Swift code: DFCCLKLX

Account No: 102961001491, Reforest Sri Lanka, Sampath Bank, Head Office, Swift code: BSAMLKLX

Stuff we do with your money:

  • Plant tree saplings and pay for costs.
  • Purchase lands via land trust for conservation.
  • Pay for University Interns as Research staff.
  • Pay for awareness campaigns and env. conservation litigation
  • We will never have permanant staff, we are volunteer run for ever

Upcoming events

We might be planting near you, join us.

All events postponed due to Covid-19

Past events

Have we planted trees near you? Send us a site update.

  • 22.04.2021 - Planting 426 saplings @ Viharamahadevi park
  • 22.04.2021 - Planting 500 Kumbuk along River Kalu
  • 25.02.2021 - Planting 500 Kumbuk along River Kalu, Ingiriya Narthupana
  • 26.12.2020 - Planting Kumbuk in Nawakkulama
  • 06.12.2020 - Maintenance visit and planting in Pansalatenna, Matale
  • 22.11.2020 - Planting in Etipola kanda, Knuckles Forest Reserve, Matale
  • 18.09.2020 - Planting with St. John's Panadura and the local school in Ingiriya
  • 17.09.2020 - Planting Kumbuk, Maila, Kanranda, Nika, Damba along Kaluganga with the Rotaract Club of Achievers
  • 14.09.2020 - Planting Maditiya, Domba, Karanda in Etipola kanda
  • 06.09.2020 - Planting in Etipola kanda, Knuckles Forest Reserve, Matale
  • 29.08.2020 - Planting Kumbuk and bamboo beside Kalu ganga
  • 05.08.2020 - Kandana, Horana - kaluganga 500 trees with Edotco
  • 05.07.2020 - Pansalatenna - 90 Trees and 5Ha site maintainance
  • 11.03.2020 - Planting 100 Kubuk trees on river bank, Kalu gaga
  • 23.02.2020 - Planting 1000 saplings at SLNS VIDURA
  • 04.02.2020 - Planting 300 kubuk saplings at Kottawa -Kahathuduwa highway
  • 04.02.2020 - Planting 40 native saplings at Keththarama temple
  • 25.01.2020 - Planting 350 Kubuk saplings at Thebuwana
  • 19.01.2020 - Planting 100 Kubuk trees on river bank, Kalu gaga
  • 17.01.2020 - Planting 100 fruit saplings at Molkawa maha vidyalaya
  • 17.01.2020 - Donating 50 fruit saplings to Bulathsinhala national school
  • 06.12.2019 - Creating urban forest model in VMD
  • 30.11.2019 - Planting 1200 saplings at Pansalthenna, Matale
  • 30.11.2019 - Planting 500 saplings at Athurugiriya Highway entrance
  • 23.11.2019 - Planting 1000 saplings at Moragodawewa - CRIWMP
  • 09,10,11.11.2019 - Planting 1000 saplings at Moragodawewa - CRIWMP
  • 20.10.2019 - Planting 65 at crow island park and sathutu uyana, Modara
  • 07.10.2019 - Planting 250 Native saplings @ Kabaragala, Knuckles
  • 05.10.2019 - Planting 200 Kubuk trees on river bank, Kalu gaga
  • 29.09.2019 - Planting 1300 Native trees at Matale
  • 17,18/09.2019 - Planting 1100 saplings @ Rama kale, Anuradhapura
  • 17,18/09.2019 - Planting at Highway by Medigain pvt ltd
  • 13,14.09.2019 - Planting 2000 saplings in Mamunugama cascade
  • 07.09.2019 - Planting 1000 trees at Kahathuduwa Highway Exit
  • 22.08.2019 - Planting 600 trees at River Kalu
  • 20.07.2019 - Planting 1000 saplings in Galanigama highway exit
  • 20.07.2019 - Kottawa, Galle Site Maintenance
  • 22.06.2019 - Planting 200 saplings ar River Kalu
  • 05.06.2019 - Planting 100 saplings at Crow island park
  • 04.06.2019 - Donation of 1200 saplings to CMC
  • 24.03.2019 - Planting 100 saplings in Hadapangoda
  • 23.03.2019 - Planting 500 plants at Welipanna exit, Galle Highway
  • 21.03.2019 - 10 Saplings in Wellampitiya For International Day of Forests
  • 24.02.2019 - Planting 100 In Handapangoda, Ingiriya via Reforest Handapangoda
  • 09.02.2019 - Donation of 20 saplings to Dr. Serina
  • 04.02.2019 - Planting 150 saplings in Bibiladeniya
  • 04.02.2019 - Planting 1000 in Anuradhapura
  • 04.02.2019 - Planting at Handapangoda
  • 04.02.2019 - Relief Distribution in Kilinochchi
  • 12.30.2018 - Planting 150 and distributing 700 trees with New Lions
  • 12.29.2018 - Planting 1000 with SDB Bank at Oshingtonwatte, Bulathsinghala
  • 12.22.2018 - Karuwalagaswewa 750 and 25 street lamps
  • 12.21.2018 - Deduru oya 1000 with the Water Board Team
  • 12.14.2018 - Donating 1000 trees to Divulapitiya DS Division
  • 11.29.2018 - WNPS Youth Wing 425 saplings
  • 11.29.2018 - 50 saplings to Lumbini Scl Col 05 and Temple
  • 11.29.2018 - Ruhuna Univeristy 640
  • 11.22.2018 - Salpe Aru 1000 with Navy
  • 11.22.2018 - Kanthale 300 with Base Hospital and Div Secretariate
  • 10.26.2018 - 25 saplings for Keththarama temple
  • 10.11.2018 - Cont 73..
  • 10.11.2018 - 1600 at Divulapitiya with DHL and the Divisional Secretariat
  • 03.11.2018 - 6000 saplings with Bernard Botejue at Embilipitiya
  • 27.10.2018 - Planting 100 saplings at Ingiriywa with Kings Church+ Water B
  • 27.10.2018 - Planting 1200 saplings at Aththidiya-Dehiwala-phase 1 200
  • 10.2018 - Planting 100 saplings at Ruhuna University
  • 07.10.2018 - Planting 105 saplings at Castle Hospital, Boralla
  • 06.10.2018 - 1000 Kumbuk and Karanda with DFCC
  • 29.08.2018 - 650 Kumbuk at Ingiriya with Moodys and Otara
  • 11.08.2018 - 250 with MG consultants along the expressway
  • 15.07.2018 - Ingiriya - Kandana 60 Kumbuk
  • 15.07.2018 - Kandy Protest against heritage tree felling
  • 14.07.2018 - Galanigama 300 with DFCC
  • 30.06.2018 - Rotaract Mora - Mannar
  • - Poson 100 sapling donation for Pala Dansala
  • 15.06.2018 - Planting 500 trees at Dodangoda with AIA
  • 20.02.2018 - Planting 500 trees in Mannar
  • 05.05.2018 - Galanigama 300 Saplings with DFCC and Mothers Day
  • 28.04.2018 - Gampaha Phase 2
  • 07.04.2018 - Gampaha Phase 1
  • 30.03.2018 - Kottawa Interchange 1000 with Multifinance and RDA
  • 20.02.2018 - Mannar 53 schools and village 1000
  • 03.03.2018 - Bulugallena Aramaya, Wellawaya
  • 03.02.2018 - Knuckles Range, Matale 500 Sandun Arana Aramaya
  • 04.02.2018 - Batalanda Army Camp 1000
  • - Viharamahadevi park
  • 21.01.2018 - Balangoda Thanjana Thanna 500

Member Profiles

We are a product of many many people's contributions, over 11,000 people have volunteered with us. From children, univeristy students, engineers, doctors, software people, architects, peons, businessmen, plumbers, labourers to any citizen of earth who feel for others as they do for themselves. See our member profiles and see how we all want and do work for a better planet which is sustainable.


How much does it cost?

Planting trees with volunteers is the most cost effective method to plant trees. There are a multitude of benefits other than cost which include stronger environmental advocacy from partipants, awareness creation, ethical & honest reporting etc. We also use modern equipment including Earth Augers to ensure we carry out tree planting activities efficiently while guaranteeing the best possible outcomes. Cost of each plant goes into the following budget lines.

  • Cost of Trees and their logistics
  • Event coordination & approval processing
  • Volunteer transport and sustenance
  • Land preparation and maintainance
  • 5% for organizations administration

cost of tree planting

Why volunteers matter

Volunteers are the heart and soul of Reforest Sri Lanka. We strongly believe that environmental conservation should always be led and carried out by volunteers. Well known international agencies have failed for decades at conservation because their goals are overshadowed by the need to earn more and more to saddle bag employee payments, travel budgets and unnecessary gatherings of bureaucrats at leading hotels. This is where you come in; yes, you are important because all of us are needed to be part of this change.

cost of tree planting

Ordering plants from Reforest Sri Lanka

We source saplings from rural communities and farmers as a means of support and encouragement of the local communities. While most organizations would set up their own nurseries, we have ensured the communities earn sustainable income by outsourcing our production needs.

Buy Plants

Mee tree
Kumbuk tree
Ahala tree
Karanda tree
Kohomba tree
Kos tree - jack fruit tree
Kon tree

Click on a plant's price tag to place an order.

Support us - Get Merchandise

All proceeds goto sustainable initiatives of Reforest Sri Lanka

Yes fabric is not sustainable,.. but out Tshirts are made from recycled plastic. Get yours today!!!

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Reforest Sri Lanka Tshirt
Reforest Sri Lanka Tshirt
Reforest Sri Lanka Tshirt
Reforest Sri Lanka Tshirt